Saturday, August 6, 2011

my thoughts on itp

i felt this whole itp has made me a better person. i have learnt a bunch of stuff and get to experience the real working world. though there have been times when things were not so smooth, it is insignificant compared to the things i have learnt and also the friends i have made.

however there is one thing which could have made itp a better experience for students. currently there is no grade given for itp. if a grade is given students would be even more motivated to do their best.

overall i would rate my itp 7/10.

week 16 - last week of itp

the last week of itp was also quite hectic. the boss gave a task to do, which is to do a powerpoint portfolio of the events the company had organised. it took the whole week to finish the task.
also we had a new colleague to replace the girl who went the week before. on the end of the week we had to do setup for 4 roadshows. which is really stretching me to my limits especially as i'm fasting. however i managed to hold on and finally the week is done. which means the end of itp.. HOORAY!!!

week 15 - not in office the whole week

week 15 can be considered a unique week as we were not in the office at all. instead we were stationed at balmoral plaza where we had to do installation works for a new club called Melody Valley. we had to install the lightings took three whole days.

on thursday i had to man the sound system at safra yishun where they have the asia rock climbing youth championships. the bad news is that i had to take turns with joel to man the staion solo. i took the first shift (thursday) and he took the second (friday). we did it together on saturday. i was a wreck when it did not manage to get the sound system going. i started to call everyone, from joel to my supervisor and even the boss. as it turns out, one of the wires were loose. after fixing the problem, everything went smoothly until it rains. i started to panic again. luckily i had help from the people there who helped to cover the speakers with the trash bags. the rain also caused the event to be delayed by a few hours.

week 14

we setup the kinect booth and man it the whole day. however hardly anyone used it which is quite disappointing. on the other hand we get to eat the hotel buffet which is not so bad

week 12 & 13

week 12
we did a setup for nueva cuba which is celebrating their anniversary. other than that, we also have a roadshow during the weekend.

week 13
we had an event at swissotel where we had to setup a kinect booth the following week so we prepare the necessary stuff beforehand

week 11 - Grandest event so far..

we had to prepare for another cat event, this time their annual dinner. for this event we had to prepare a lot of stuff. besides the usual sound system, we also had to bring lighting equipment and their stands, trusses etc. the stuff are all very heavy and it took us the whole morning plus half the afternoon to setup the entire place. the event started in the evening and ended around 9 plus. during teh event we get to watch performances like sand artists which is quite impressive. the next day after the event we had half a day off as we were all still tired from the event

during the weekend, we did not have a roadshow. instead we do setup of the sound system at safra yishun where they have an event going on.

week 10

another week in the office just doing office stuff..boring

week 9

week 9 is a damn hectic week cause we had two events to run in the same week. thats right, TWO events in the SAME week.
 the first is the estee lauder event where they are celebrating the opening of a new distribution centre. the event is held at the CWT building, penjuru road. for this event we are more involved. we had to be the carriers of the plaques which would be given out to the directors which meant we got to go on stage.
the next event is called the TUMI event. it is not like the previous events we have done like official openings, ceremonies. instead it is a fashion show. we are the av guys there and we have to manage the sound system.

week 7-8

on week 7 and 8, we stayed in office the whole time and only went out during the weekends to do setup for the roadshows..basically a boring couple of weeks.....

week 6 - major event!!

we had a major event on week 6 which is the Cat reman opening. Cat is short for Caterpillar and it is apparently a famous company in the construction industry. the event is held at jurong. my job is to help out in ensuring the whole event runs smoothly. on the day before the event (monday) we had to setup the pa system and also arrange all the chairs properly. luckily we did not need to lay the carpet cause the area is very large and we would surely mess it up if we were to do it. on the event day itself, everything went smoothly and we also got to eat the food. then we had to stack up the chairs for the chair people to collect which is very tiring.
this is the first major event that we have been a part of so im glad that we managed to run it well.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

week 4 and 5

really overdue posts..supposedly to be every week but got so busy until there's no time so i'll squeeze out as much as i can.

week 4
quite slack. since i have finished all the accounting for the boss, she gave me a new assignment. alas, it is to build a database of contacts using excel spreadsheet. the targets are schools, pubs and local av equipment companies. honestly, i cant see the link between those three but who am i to argue? what the boss wants the boss gets. so thats the assignment i did for the whole week.
also during the weekend, we have another setup for vitagen, this time at serangoon NEX.

week 5
the first two days of the week was holiday cause monday is to compensate for working last weekend and tuesday was vesak day. but when return to office on wednesday we got busy. first we got to prepare for a big event coming up next week. on thursday we went to eminent plaza (lavender) to do some repairs and setup for a massage parlour. then we go to recce the place for the big event which is in jurong (jln tukang).

so thats what i did for the two weeks..i'll try to get the posts for the coming weeks as soon as possible.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

week 3

this is week 3 of attachment. actually i thought of doing a post every fortnight but the LO wants to see the post weekly so here it is. (pardon if its too short:))

i thought week 3 would be like the previous weeks where i would just sit in the office and do some accounting for the boss. and that was exactly what took place EXCEPT.......

on the last day of the week. the boss' husband (who's also a boss but of another company) taught me how to do programming for some lightings at a niteclub. the software he used was Freestyler.

Freestyler is a pretty straightforward software. and the boss tried to make even simpler when explaining it. however, im still a bit blur and may need some time to digest what ive just learned. but, together with joel, i managed to create a light scene which the boss included for the niteclub's show.

at last, i feel im beginning to learn something though i feel a little anxious because the boss says i would go solo once ive mastered some basic programming skills.

ok. thats the end of week 3.

Monday, May 2, 2011

internship post wk 1&2

i'm supposed to start posting about itp two weeks ago but forgot. so i'll just put week 1&2 together.
well, the company i'm attached to is intuition production. its at tiong bahru in Tan Boon Liat Building.
oh forgot to mention its on the 15th floor. working hours are from 1030 to 1930 and allowance is 440.

the first week was pretty hectic as the company has just started on some vitagen roadshow. so i had to learn how to setup the banners, backdrops, sound system etc. it was a bit rushed and i dont think i managed to grasp everything that was taught. but the show must go on and on friday morning(good Friday!) i made my way to Giant IMM which is in Jurong. the setup was supposed to be at 9 but there was some problem and we ended up starting at nearly 10. i was basically watching my supervisor as i seriously had no idea what to do. in the end the job was completed. also on saturday i went Chinese Swimming Club to do setup for their AGM. its at 0800 and the place is somewhere near marine parade so it was quite a long trip. again i was mostly a spectator. so thats what took place in the first week.

second week
the second week was quite slack as there were no roadshows. so i stayed in the office the whole week and did some accounting for the company. also LO came by for a visit. and friday was a day off to make up for working the previous friday.

Friday, February 18, 2011

final post

this is the last post for the module...
so im supposed to give my thoughts on this module.
well, this is one of the slackest modules ever but i still learn a lot.
like the wbs and risk analysis etc. also there is a lot of planning to be done in projects.
Mr Yap's also a cool guy and very easy-going.
Verdict: Best module ever!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

the rest of tutorial pt 2.2.

this is the paragraph part of the risk tutorial

sick artist
In an overview, when the artist is sick on the day of the concert and is unable to perform, the management will have to reorganize on the schedule and flow of the performances. Audiences will also request for refunds on the concert tickets. We have estimated at $2000 cost for the impact on this risk.

spoilt equipment
We are estimating a $6000 on the cost of impact on the concert itself as that might be some tickets to refund for unsatisfied audience and there might be a fine if the concert does not end in time. The change of equipment will be another cost.
thats it basically. the end of all tutorials!!!!!!

the rest of tutorial pt2.1

this is the risk analysis tutorial..its quite long so gotta split into two: table(2.1) and short paragraph(2.2)

Risk description
Probability (1= low ,5= high)
Impact (1= low ,5= high)
Equipment malfunction
What if there is a flight delay and the artist can’t reach in time?
Unable to sell most of the tickets.
Power surge
Artiste feeling sick, unable to perform.

Risk description
Risk Category
Ranking (1= low ,5= high)
Equipment malfunction

High Probability, High Impact
What if there is a flight delay and the artist can’t reach in time?
High Probability, Low Impact
Unable to sell most of the tickets.
Low Probability, High Impact
Power surge
Low Probability, High Impact
Artiste feeling sick, unable to perform.
High Probability, High Impact

Risk description
How Probability can be reduced
How Impact can be reduced
Equipment malfunction
1) Delay Concert.

2) Cost of changing of Equipment.
1) Get equipment from well know company.
1) Double check if all equipment is working properly.
Artiste feeling sick, unable to perform.
1) Affecting concert schedule.

2) Audience may not be happy about it.
1) Get in contact with all artistes to ensure that their health condition is alright.
1) Reorganise concert schedule and flow of performances.

*the table is in order of analysis, ranking and assessment

the rest of tutorial pt.1

this is the aon tutorial in pics! nothing much to say really..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

tutorial 3 *really overdue

FC ($)
VC ($)
OC ($)
Period (Weeks)
Rent of Stadium



Rental of Equipment

Artist Cost


Accommodation Cost


Ticket Printing

Contractor Quotation

50 Workers (Security)


3 Workers (Band)





Total Cost

Total Cost With Contingency 20%

Assumption: Audience Seats = 4000 x 7 days = 28,000 Tickets
Daily Rate on 1 worker (Security) = $80/Day = $560/Week
Daily Rate on worker (Band) = $750/day
Average Selling price of ticket = $246.30
Total Selling Price of ticket = $6,896,400

Return on Investment = (Gain-Cost)/Cost= (6896400-814860)/814860
                                                                          = 7.463